create table objects (
oid int primary key
,name varchar2(255)
create table attributes (
attrId int primary key
,attrName varchar2(255)
,datatype varchar2(25)
create table object_Attributes (
oid int
,attrId int
,value varchar2(4000)
,primary key (oid, attrId)
create table Links (
oid1 int
,oid2 int
,primary key (oid1, oid2)
insert into attributes values ( 1, 'DATE_OF_BIRTH', 'DATE' );
insert into attributes values ( 2, 'FIRST_NAME', 'STRING' );
insert into attributes values ( 3, 'LAST_NAME', 'STRING' );
insert into objects values ( 1, 'PERSON' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 1, 1, '15-mar-1965' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 1, 2, 'Thomas' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 1, 3, 'Kyte' );
insert into objects values ( 2, 'PERSON' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 2, 1, '21-oct-1968' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 2, 2, 'John' );
insert into object_Attributes values( 2, 3, 'Smith' );
-- 모든 PERSON 레코드의 FIRST_NAME과 LAST_NAME을 가져오는 질의
select max( decode( attrName, 'FIRST_NAME', value, null ) ) first_name
,max( decode( attrName, 'LAST_NAME', value, null ) ) last_name
from objects
where attributes.attrName in ( 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME' )
and object_attributes.attrId = attributes.attrId
and object_attributes.oid = objects.oid
and = 'PERSON'
group by objects.oid;
select *
from ( select max( decode( attrName, 'FIRST_NAME', value, null ) ) first_name
,max( decode( attrName, 'LAST_NAME', value, null ) ) last_name
,max( decode( attrName, 'DATE_OF_BIRTH', value, null ) ) date_of_birth
from objects
where attributes.attrName in ( 'FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'DATE_OF_BIRTH' )
and object_attributes.attrId = attributes.attrId
and object_attributes.oid = objects.oid
and = 'PERSON'
group by objects.oid
where last_name = 'Smith'
or date_of_birth like '%-mar-%';
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