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Oracle 10g Articles

Oracle Database 10g: New Features For Administrators OCP Exam Articles

Oracle10g: New Features For Administrators Exam Tips - Some tips on what to expect when upgrading your OCP to Oracle 10g.

Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in Oracle Database 10g - This article describes several methods for producing reports from the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in Oracle 10g.

Automatic SQL Tuning in Oracle Database 10g - This article the discusses the new features which automate the tuning of SQL statements in Oracle 10g.

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) in Oracle Database 10g - Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is a new feature introduced in Oracle 10g to simplify the storage and administration of Oracle files.

Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) in Oracle Database 10g - The automatic workload repository (AWR) is the latest evolution of statspack which provides the central information store for all Oracle 10g self-tuning functionality.

Database Security Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Oracle 10g contains many improvements to Virtual Private Database (VPD), Fine Grained Auditing (FGA) and data encryption.

DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER Package in Oracle Database 10g - Use this new API to make binary copies of files on the local server or to transfer files between the local server and remote servers.

Flashback New Features and Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Use the new and enhanced features of flashback technology to view old data, track data changes and recover from accidental data loss without reverting to LogMiner or point in time recoveries.

Flashback Database in Oracle Database 10g - The FLASHBACK DATABASE command is a fast alternative to performing an incomplete recovery, also known as a point-in-time recovery (PITR).

Flashback Query (AS OF) in Oracle Database 10g - Flashback Query allows the contents of a table to be queried with reference to a specific point in time, using the AS OF clause.

Flashback Table in Oracle Database 10g - The FLASHBACK TABLE command allows a type of point-in-time recovery (PITR) of individual tables.

Flashback Table to Before Drop (Recycle Bin) - The recycle bin is a logical collection of previously dropped objects. This feature doesn't use flashback logs or undo, so it is distinct from the other flashback technologies.

Flashback Transaction Query in Oracle Database 10g - Flashback transaction query can be used to get extra information about the transactions listed by flashback version queries.

Flashback Version Query (VERSIONS BETWEEN) in Oracle Database 10g - Flashback version query allows the versions of a specific row to be tracked during a specified time period using the VERSIONS BETWEEN clause.

Improved VLDB Support in Oracle Database 10g - Take advantage of the improvements in Very Large Database (VLDB) support in Oracle 10g.

Installation Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - This article provides a brief description of the installation enhancements which are relevant to the OCP upgrade exam for Oracle 10g.

MERGE Statement Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Learn about the enhancements to the merge statement in Oracle Database 10g.

Oracle Data Pump (expdp, impdp) in Oracle Database 10g, 11c, 12c - Test drive the Oracle 10g replacement for the EXP and IMP utilities.

Performance Tuning Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Oracle 10g includes many performance tuning enhancements which take some of the mystery out of being a DBA.

PL/SQL Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Get to grips with the Oracle 10g enhancements to PL/SQL using simple cut & paste examples.

Resource Manager Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - In Oracle 10g resource manager is more flexible and even easier to configure than before. Check out the enhancements here.

RMAN Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Check out the large number of enhancements in the Oracle 10g version of RMAN. If you are not currently using this tool you're running out of excusses.

Services in Oracle Database 10g - Run applications on a subset of Real Application Cluser (RAC) nodes using services.

Server Configuration in Oracle Database 10g - Oracle 10g includes some changes relating to basic server configuration which are relevant to the OCP upgrade exam.

Scheduler in Oracle Database 10g - Oracle Database 10g includes a flexible scheduler to replace the DBMS_JOB package.

Space, Object, and Transaction Management in Oracle Database 10g - A description of the new features relating to space, object and transaction management in Oracle 10g.

SQL Access Advisor in Oracle Database 10g - Use this advisor to get suggestions for indexes and materialized views that might help system performance.

SQL*Plus Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Check out enhancements to SQL*Plus in Oracle Database 10g.

Tablespace Management Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g - Oracle 10g includes several small but neat enhancements related to tablespace management.

Upgrading to Oracle Database 10g - This article provides a brief overview of the areas involved in upgrading existing databases to Oracle 10g.

Feature List:

Oracle Database 10g Miscellaneous Articles

Active Session History (ASH) - This article gives an overview of the Active Session History (ASH) feature, first introduced in Oracle 10g.

Character Set Migration using CSSCAN and CSALTER - Change the default character set of your database using the character set scanning utilities provided by Oracle.

CTX_DOC.MARKUP - Converting Documents to Highlighted HTML using Oracle Text - Use the CTX_DOC.MARKUP procedure to convert formatted documents stored in BLOBs into HTML with highlighted search terms.

DBMS_ADVANCED_REWRITE in Oracle 10g - Intercept and rewrite SQL without altering your application using the DBMS_ADVANCED_REWRITE package.

DBMS_SERVICE : Define Database Services in a Single Instance Database - This article describes how to create database services in single instance databases using the DBMS_SERVICE package.

External Tables Containing LOB Data - This articles shows how external tables are used to read CLOB and BLOB data, enabling parallel load operations of large quanities of data.

File Upload and Download Procedures in Oracle Database 10g - Upload and download files directly from the database using Database Access Descriptors.

Index Monitoring - Identify and remove unused indexes to improve performance.

Legato Single Server Version (LSSV) 7.1 and RMAN on Tru64 5.1b - Use the LSSV software shipped with Oracle Database 10g to write RMAN backups to tape on Tru64 5.1b.

Loading LOB Data Using SQL*Loader - This articles shows how SQL*Loader is used to load CLOB and BLOB data, enabling parallel load operations of large quanities of data.

Online Table Redefinition (DBMS_REDEFINITION) Enhancements in Oracle Database 10g Release 1 - Simplify online table redefintions by using the new COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS procedure.

String Aggregation Techniques - Several methods of combining multiple rows of data into a single row using aggregate functions.

SQL trace, 10046, trcsess and tkprof in Oracle 10g - An article that combines all previous SQL Trace, event 10046 and tkprof information, along with information on trcsess and DBMS_MONITOR from Oracle 10g.

UTL_COMPRESS : Compress and Uncompress Data from PL/SQL - The UTL_COMPRESS package provides an API to allow compression and decompression of binary data (RAW, BLOB and BFILE).

UTL_DBWS - Consuming Web Services in Oracle 10g - Use the UTL_DBWS package to consume web services from PL/SQL.

UTL_MAIL : Email from PL/SQL in the Oracle Database - The UTL_MAIL package was introduced in Oracle 10g to provide a simple API to allow email to be sent from PL/SQL.

XMLSERIALIZE - The XMLSERIALIZE function was introduced in Oracle 10.1 to create a string or LOB based on the XML passed to it.

Oracle Database 10g Installations

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Fedora Core 1 (FC1) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Fedora Core 1 (FC1).

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Fedora Core 2 (FC2) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Fedora Core 2 (FC2).

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Fedora Core 3 (FC3) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Fedora Core 3 (FC3).

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Fedora Core 4 (FC4) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Fedora Core 4 (FC4).

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On RedHat Advanced Server 2.1 - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on RedHat Advanced Server 2.1.

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4).

Oracle Database 10g ( Installation On Tru64 5.1b - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Tru64 5.1b.

Oracle Database 10g ( RAC Installation on Tru64 5.1b - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( Real Application Cluster (RAC) on Tru64 5.1b.

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Articles

ASM using ASMLib and Raw Devices - Set up ASM using raw devices or ASMLib and switch between the two.

Auditing in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - This article presents an overview of auditing in Oracle 10g Database Release 2.

Commit Enhancements in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - Use the WRITE clause of the COMMIT command or the COMMIT_WRITE parameter to influence the way redo information is processed by commit operations.

Conditional Compilation in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - Use conditional compilation to alter the contents of your PL/SQL source code based on compiler directives.

DBMS_ASSERT - Sanitize User Input to Help Prevent SQL Injection - The DBMS_ASSERT package contains a number of functions that can be used to sanitize user input and help to guard against SQL injection.

DBMS_EPG - The Embedded PL/SQL Gateway in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - Run mod_plsql applications directly from the database using the XML DB HTTP server, rather than Apache.

DBMS_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION - Register queries and receive notifications of changes to the objects they reference.

DML Error Logging in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - Use this new feature to capture errors and allow DML operations to complete successfully.

Secure External Password Store - Protect database password credentials with this alternative to OS authentication.

Rules Manager in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - The Rules Manager enables more effective event-based processing in Oracle 10g Release 2.

Scheduler Enhancements in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - This article provides simple examples of how to use the scheduler enhancements in Oracle 10g Database Release 2, including event-based jobs and job chains.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 - Use Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in Oracle 10g Database Release 2 to protect sensitive data at the operating system level.

The WRAP Utility and the DBMS_DDL Package - Learn how to use the enhanced DBMS_DDL package to dynamically wrap PL/SQL source in Oracle 10g Release 2.

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Installations

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Fedora Core 3 (FC3) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Fedora Core 3 (FC3).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Fedora Core 4 (FC4) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Fedora Core 4 (FC4).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Fedora Core 5 (FC5) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Fedora Core 5 (FC5).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Fedora Core 6 (FC6) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Fedora Core 6 (FC6).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Fedora 7 - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Fedora 7 (F7).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (RHEL4).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (RHEL5).

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( Installation On Solaris 10 (x86) - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g Release 2 ( on Solaris 10 (x86).

Oracle 10g RAC On Linux Using NFS - This article describes the installation of Oracle 10g release 2 ( RAC on Linux (Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.5) using NFS to provide the shared storage.

Oracle 10g Release 2 RAC On RHEL4 Linux Using VMware ESX Server and NFS - This article describes the installation of Oracle 10g release 2 (10.2) RAC on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 using VMware ESX Server and NFS for shared storage.

Oracle 10g RAC On Linux Using VMware Server - This article describes the installation of Oracle 10g release 2 ( RAC on Linux (CentOS 4) using VMware Server with no additional shared disk devices.

Oracle 10g RAC On Windows 2003 Using VMware Server - This article describes the installation of Oracle 10g release 2 ( RAC on Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition using VMware Server with no additional shared disk devices.

Oracle Database 10g ( RAC Installation on Tru64 5.1b - A brief guide to installing Oracle 10g ( Real Application Cluster (RAC) on Tru64 5.1b.

Oracle Application Server 10g Articles

OC4J Notes for Oracle AS10g - A random assortment of notes relating to OC4J.

Cloning Oracle Application Server (AS10g) Instances - A brief guide to cloning Oracle Application Server (AS10g) instances.

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Installation On Fedora Core 1 (FC1) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) on Fedora Core 1 (FC1).

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Installation On Fedora Core 2 (FC2) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) on Fedora Core 2 (FC2).

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Installation On RedHat Advanced Server 2.1 - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) on RedHat Advanced Server 2.1.

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Portal Installation On RedHat Advanced Server 2.1 - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Portal on RedHat Advanced Server 2.1.

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Portal Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Portal on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3 Update 3) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Release 2 (10.1.2) Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3 Update 3).

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Installation On Fedora Core 5 (FC5) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) on Fedora Core 5 (FC5).

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Installation On Fedora Core 6 (FC6) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) on Fedora Core 6 (FC6).

Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Installation On RedHat Advanced Server and CentOS - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (10.1.3) on RedHat Advanced Server and CentOS.

Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) Cold Failover Cluster Infrastructure On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) - A brief guide to installing OracleAS 10g (9.0.4) Cold Failover Cluster Infrastructure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).

Oracle AS10g Backup and Recovery - Simplify backup and recovery of Oracle AS10g using this updated Oracle supplied Perl utility.

Oracle AS10g Automatic Startup/Shutdown - Make Oracle AS10g start and stop automatically during server startup and shutdown on Linux.

PHP Installation on Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) - Install and configure PHP with OCI support on AS10g running on Linux.

Oracle 10g Grid Control

Oracle 10g Grid Control Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3) - Learn how to install both the Oracle 10g Grid Control and its agents on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).

Oracle 10g Release 2 Grid Control Installation On Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS - Learn how to install both the Oracle 10g Release 2 Grid Control and its agents on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS

Oracle 10g Release 5 Grid Control Installation On Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL 4.8 64-bit) - Learn how to install Oracle 10g Release 5 Grid Control on Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL 4.8 64-bit).

Oracle 10g Release 5 Grid Control Agent Installation On Linux - An overview of the installation of Oracle 10g Release 5 Grid Control Agent on Linux.