데이터가 나오면 poi를 이용하여 엑셀파일로 저장을 하게 해둔 상황입니다
지금의 쿼리문 입니다
ORDER BY measurement_date DESC, measurement_time DESC ) AS rownum ,
WHEN device_plot = '11' THEN 'Plot1'
WHEN device_plot = '22' THEN 'Plot2'
WHEN device_plot = '33' THEN 'Plot3'
WHEN device_plot = '44' THEN 'Plot4'
END)as deviceplot , CONVERT(CHAR(10), CONVERT(DATETIME, measurement_date), 111) measurementdate
, STUFF(STUFF(measurement_time, 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') measurementtime
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN temperature_value END) temperaturevalueT
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN temperature_value END) temperaturevalueM
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '3' THEN temperature_value END) temperaturevalueB
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN humidity_value END) humidityvalueT
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN humidity_value END) humidityvalueM
1 = 1
AND device_plot_tmb IN ('1', '2', '3')
AND(SUBSTRING(measurement_time, 3, 2) % 10)= 0
AND measurement_date BETWEEN REPLACE(20210115, '-', '') AND REPLACE(20210115, '-', '')
device_plot, measurement_date, measurement_time)a
쿼리문 입니다..
이상태로 엑셀 다운로드를 하게 되면 값은 잘 나오나 빈칸이 나오는곳이 null 값이 표출되어서 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다
CASE 문을 써서 똑같이
ORDER BY measurement_date DESC, measurement_time DESC ) AS rownum ,
WHEN device_plot = '11' THEN 'Plot1'
WHEN device_plot = '22' THEN 'Plot2'
WHEN device_plot = '33' THEN 'Plot3'
WHEN device_plot = '44' THEN 'Plot4'
WHEN temperature_value = 'NULL' THEN ''
END)as deviceplot , CONVERT(CHAR(10), CONVERT(DATETIME, measurement_date), 111) measurementdate
, STUFF(STUFF(measurement_time, 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') measurementtime
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN temperature_value END) temperaturevalueT
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN temperature_value END) temperaturevalueM
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '3' THEN temperature_value END) temperaturevalueB
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN humidity_value END) humidityvalueT
, MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN humidity_value END) humidityvalueM
1 = 1
AND device_plot_tmb IN ('1', '2', '3')
AND(SUBSTRING(measurement_time, 3, 2) % 10)= 0
AND measurement_date BETWEEN REPLACE(20210115, '-', '') AND REPLACE(20210115, '-', '')
device_plot, measurement_date, measurement_time, temperature_value)a
처리를 해보았는데 값이 제대로 나오지 않아서 도움을 구합니다 ㅠㅠ
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY measurement_date DESC, measurement_time DESC) AS rownum , CASE device_plot WHEN '11' THEN 'Plot1' WHEN '22' THEN 'Plot2' WHEN '33' THEN 'Plot3' WHEN '44' THEN 'Plot4' ELSE '' END AS deviceplot , CONVERT(CHAR(10), CONVERT(DATETIME, measurement_date), 111) measurementdate , STUFF(STUFF(measurement_time, 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') measurementtime , CONCAT(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN temperature_value END), '') temperaturevalueT , CONCAT(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN temperature_value END), '') temperaturevalueM , CONCAT(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '3' THEN temperature_value END), '') temperaturevalueB , CONCAT(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN humidity_value END), '') humidityvalueT , CONCAT(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN humidity_value END), '') humidityvalueM FROM smarcle_data_log WHERE 1=1 AND device_plot_tmb IN ('1', '2', '3') AND SUBSTRING(measurement_time, 3, 2) % 10 = 0 AND measurement_date BETWEEN '20210115' AND '20210115' GROUP BY device_plot, measurement_date, measurement_time ) a ;
SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY measurement_date DESC, measurement_time DESC) AS rownum , CASE device_plot WHEN '11' THEN 'Plot1' WHEN '22' THEN 'Plot2' WHEN '33' THEN 'Plot3' WHEN '44' THEN 'Plot4' ELSE '' END AS deviceplot , CONVERT(CHAR(10), CONVERT(DATETIME, measurement_date), 111) measurementdate , STUFF(STUFF(measurement_time, 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') measurementtime , ISNULL(CAST(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN temperature_value END) AS VARCHAR), '') temperaturevalueT , ISNULL(CAST(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN temperature_value END) AS VARCHAR), '') temperaturevalueM , ISNULL(CAST(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '3' THEN temperature_value END) AS VARCHAR), '') temperaturevalueB , ISNULL(CAST(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '1' THEN humidity_value END) AS VARCHAR), '') humidityvalueT , ISNULL(CAST(MAX(CASE device_plot_tmb WHEN '2' THEN humidity_value END) AS VARCHAR), '') humidityvalueM FROM smarcle_data_log WHERE 1=1 AND device_plot_tmb IN ('1', '2', '3') AND SUBSTRING(measurement_time, 4, 1) = '0' AND measurement_date BETWEEN '20210115' AND '20210115' GROUP BY device_plot, measurement_date, measurement_time ) a ;