CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST.P_CALL_ASSIGN IS P_RENT_MNG_ID VARCHAR2(10); P_RENT_L_CD VARCHAR2(20); P_RENT_DT VARCHAR2(10); P_RENT_START_DT VARCHAR2(10); P_GUBUN VARCHAR2(1); P_CLIENT_ID VARCHAR2(7); P_R_CNT number(5); V_MNG_ID varchar2(10); V_ASS_ID varchar2(10); V_SEQ number(5); V_USE varchar2(1); P_DAY NUMBER(2); N_SYSDATE VARCHAR2(8); N_SEQ NUMBER(3); D_CNT NUMBER(3); D_CLIENT_ID VARCHAR2(6); S_CNT number(2); V_SQLCODE NUMBER; V_SQLERRM VARCHAR2(255); P_CLS_DT VARCHAR2(10); -- cont call 배정 CURSOR CUR_CAR IS select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, replace(nvl(b.rent_dt,a.rent_dt),' ','') as rent_dt, b.rent_start_dt, decode(a.call_st , 'N', '9', cp.gubun ) as gubun , a.client_id from cont a, fee b, car_reg d, cont_etc ce, (select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, '1' as gubun from cont_call a where poll_id <> 0 group by a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd ) cp, (select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, reg_id from cont_call a where poll_id = 0 group by a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd , reg_id ) cpr where nvl(a.use_yn,'Y')='Y' and a.car_st not in ( '2' , '4', '5' ) and a.rent_mng_id=b.rent_mng_id and a.rent_l_cd=b.rent_l_cd and substr(b.rent_start_dt, 1, 4) =to_char(sysdate,'YYYY') and b.rent_start_dt > '20140131' and a.car_mng_id=d.car_mng_id(+) and a.rent_mng_id=cp.rent_mng_id(+) and a.rent_l_cd=cp.rent_l_cd(+) and a.rent_mng_id=cpr.rent_mng_id(+) and a.rent_l_cd=cpr.rent_l_cd(+) and a.rent_mng_id=ce.rent_mng_id(+) and a.rent_l_cd=ce.rent_l_cd(+) and ce.rent_suc_dt is null and b.rent_st = '1' and nvl(a.car_gu,a.reg_id) = '1' and cpr.reg_id is null and b.rent_start_dt is not null and decode(a.call_st , 'N', '9', cp.gubun ) is null order by client_id, decode(a.call_st , 'N', '9', cp.gubun ) desc, b.rent_start_dt, nvl(b.rent_dt,a.rent_dt); BEGIN N_SEQ := 0; D_CLIENT_ID := ''; OPEN CUR_CAR; LOOP FETCH CUR_CAR INTO P_RENT_MNG_ID, P_RENT_L_CD, P_RENT_DT, P_RENT_START_DT, P_GUBUN , P_CLIENT_ID; EXIT WHEN CUR_CAR%NOTFOUND; BEGIN N_SEQ := N_SEQ + 1; IF ( D_CLIENT_ID = P_CLIENT_ID ) THEN GOTO GET_DUP_RTN; END IF; SELECT a.REG_ID into V_MNG_ID from cont_call a, ( select max(to_char(answer_date, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')||answer) answer from cont_call where poll_id = 0 ) b where to_char(a.answer_date, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')||a.answer = b.answer; IF (V_MNG_ID = '000071' ) THEN V_MNG_ID := '000194'; ELSE V_MNG_ID := '000071'; END IF; BEGIN insert into cont_call (rent_mng_id, rent_l_cd, poll_id, answer, answer_date, reg_id) values (P_RENT_MNG_ID, P_RENT_L_CD, 0, nvl(ltrim(to_char(N_SEQ, '000')), '001') , sysdate, V_MNG_ID); END; D_CLIENT_ID := P_CLIENT_ID; GOTO GET_NEXT_RTN; <<GET_DUP_RTN>> begin update cont set call_st = 'N' where rent_mng_id = P_RENT_MNG_ID and rent_l_cd = P_RENT_L_CD; end; <<GET_NEXT_RTN>> select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd') into N_SYSDATE FROM DUAL; END; END LOOP; CLOSE CUR_CAR; COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'cont call'); -- service call 배정 - DECLARE S_SEQ NUMBER (3); CURSOR c4 IS select distinct s.serv_dt, a.* from ( select /*+ merge(v) */ cp.gubun as gubun ,'카드' p_gubun, a.buy_dt as rent_dt , v.rent_mng_id, v.rent_l_cd, to_number(i.seq) seq, i.item_code car_mng_id, i.serv_id from card_doc a, card b, card_doc_item i , cont_n_view v, (select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id, '1' as gubun from service_call a where a.poll_id <> 0 group by a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd , a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id ) cp , (select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id, a.reg_id from service_call a where a.poll_id = 0 group by a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd , a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id, a.reg_id ) cpr where a.cardno=b.cardno and a.cardno = i.cardno and a.buy_id = i.buy_id and i.rent_l_cd = cp.rent_l_cd(+) and i.item_code= cp.car_mng_id(+) and i.serv_id = cp.serv_id(+) and i.rent_l_cd = cpr.rent_l_cd(+) and i.item_code= cpr.car_mng_id(+) and i.serv_id = cpr.serv_id(+) and cpr.reg_id is null and a.acct_code = '00005' and a.acct_code_g = '6' and a.buy_dt >= '20100801' and v.car_gu = '1' and substr( a.buy_dt,1,6)=to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMM') and i.rent_l_cd = v.rent_l_cd and v.car_st not in ( '2' , '4' , '5') and v.client_id not in ( '000010' ,'007507' , '002212' ,'013607' , '012743' , '014374' , '005956' , '015854', '023036') union all select /*+ no_merge(v) */ cp.gubun as gubun , '현금' p_gubun, b.p_pay_dt as rent_dt , v.rent_mng_id, v.rent_l_cd, a.i_seq seq, a.p_cd3 car_mng_id, a.p_cd5 serv_id from pay_item a, pay b, cont_n_view v, (select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id, '1' as gubun from service_call a where a.poll_id <> 0 group by a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd , a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id ) cp , (select a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id, a.reg_id from service_call a where a.poll_id = 0 group by a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd , a.car_mng_id, a.serv_id, a.reg_id ) cpr where a.reqseq=b.reqseq and a.p_cd2 = cp.rent_l_cd(+) and a.p_cd3 = cp.car_mng_id(+) and a.p_cd5 = cp.serv_id(+) and a.p_cd2 = cpr.rent_l_cd(+) and a.p_cd3 = cpr.car_mng_id(+) and a.p_cd5 = cpr.serv_id(+) and cpr.reg_id is null and a.acct_code = '45700' and a.acct_code_g = '6' and b.p_pay_dt >= '20100801' and v.car_gu = '1' and substr( b.p_pay_dt,1,6)=to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMM') and a.p_cd2 = v.rent_l_cd and v.car_st not in ( '2' , '4' , '5') and v.client_id not in ( '000010', '007507' , '002212', '013607' , '012743', '014374' , '005956' , '015854' , '023036') ) a, service s where a.car_mng_id = s.car_mng_id and a.serv_id = s.serv_id and substr(s.serv_dt, 1, 6) = substr(a.rent_dt, 1, 6) and s.serv_st in ( '1', '2', '3') order by 2 desc, 3 desc , 4 desc ; BEGIN S_SEQ := 0; FOR c4_r IN c4 LOOP S_SEQ := S_SEQ + 1; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( '0_' || N_SEQ); -- 000071, 000194 - 5월20일부터 이원화 -- service call 중복 select count(*) into s_cnt from service_call where rent_mng_id = c4_r.rent_mng_id and rent_l_cd = c4_r.rent_l_cd and car_mng_id = c4_r.car_mng_id and serv_id = c4_r.serv_id; if ( s_cnt < 1) then SELECT a.REG_ID into V_MNG_ID from service_call a, ( select max(to_char(answer_date, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')||answer) answer from service_call where poll_id = 0 ) b where to_char(a.answer_date, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')||a.answer = b.answer; IF (V_MNG_ID = '000071' ) THEN V_MNG_ID := '000194'; ELSE V_MNG_ID := '000071'; END IF; BEGIN insert into service_call (rent_mng_id, rent_l_cd, car_mng_id, serv_id, poll_id, answer, answer_date, reg_id) values (c4_r.rent_mng_id, c4_r.rent_l_cd, c4_r.car_mng_id, c4_r.serv_id, 0, nvl(ltrim(to_char(S_SEQ, '000')), '001') , sysdate, V_MNG_ID); -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( '1_' || c4_r.rent_l_cd); END; end if; END LOOP; END; COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'service call'); >>>>>>>>>>> 여기에 추가 하고 싶어요 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; -- R_CHK := '1'; dbms_output.put_line(' SQLERRM' ) ; V_SQLCODE := SQLCODE; V_SQLERRM := V_SQLERRM || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 250); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, '콜 계약 배정 에러!!' || P_RENT_L_CD ); BEGIN INSERT INTO STAT_BATCH_ERROR (save_dt, procedure_nm, SQLERRM, sqlcode) VALUES (SYSDATE, 'P_CALL_ASSIGN', V_SQLERRM, TO_NUMBER(V_SQLCODE)); END; END;
이게 원래 있던 프로시져인데요 아래 내용을 추가해서 하나로 만들고 싶습니다.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST.P_CALL_ASSIGN_RM IS P_RENT_MNG_ID VARCHAR2 (10); P_RENT_L_CD VARCHAR2 (20); P_CLS_DT VARCHAR2 (10); P_RENT_START_DT VARCHAR2 (10); P_GUBUN VARCHAR2 (1); P_CLIENT_ID VARCHAR2 (7); P_R_CNT number(5); V_MNG_ID varchar2 (10); V_ASS_ID varchar2 (10); V_SEQ number(5); V_USE varchar2(1); P_DAY NUMBER (2); N_SYSDATE VARCHAR2(8); N_SEQ NUMBER (3); D_CNT NUMBER (3); D_CLIENT_ID VARCHAR2(6); S_CNT number(2); V_SQLCODE NUMBER; V_SQLERRM VARCHAR2(255); -- cont call 배정 CURSOR CUR_CAR IS SELECT a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, b.cls_dt, a.rent_start_dt, decode(a.call_st , 'N', '9', cp.gubun ) AS gubun, a.client_id FROM cont a, cls_etc b, client c, users i, users df, car_reg c, (SELECT * FROM DOC_SETTLE WHERE doc_st='11') l , (SELECT a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, '1' AS gubun FROM cont_call a WHERE poll_id <> 0 GROUP BY a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd) cp, (SELECT a.rent_mng_id, a.rent_l_cd, reg_id, answer_date FROM cont_call a WHERE poll_id = 0) cpr WHERE a.car_st<>'2' AND a.client_id=c.client_id AND a.rent_mng_id=b.RENT_MNG_ID AND a.rent_l_cd=b.rent_l_cd AND a.car_mng_id = c.car_mng_id(+) AND a.rent_l_cd=l.doc_id(+) AND l.user_id1=i.user_id (+) AND b.dft_saction_id=df.user_id(+) AND a.rent_mng_id=cp.rent_mng_id(+) AND a.rent_l_cd=cp.rent_l_cd(+) AND a.rent_mng_id=cpr.rent_mng_id(+) AND a.rent_l_cd=cpr.rent_l_cd(+) AND substr(b.cls_dt, 1, 4) =to_char(sysdate,'YYYY') AND b.cls_dt > '20140131' AND b.cls_st = '14' order by client_id, decode(a.call_st , 'N', '9', cp.gubun ) desc, b.CLS_DT; BEGIN N_SEQ := 0; D_CLIENT_ID := ''; OPEN CUR_CAR; LOOP FETCH CUR_CAR INTO P_RENT_MNG_ID, P_RENT_L_CD, P_CLS_DT, P_RENT_START_DT, P_GUBUN , P_CLIENT_ID; EXIT WHEN CUR_CAR%NOTFOUND; BEGIN N_SEQ := N_SEQ + 1; IF ( D_CLIENT_ID = P_CLIENT_ID ) THEN GOTO GET_DUP_RTN; END IF; SELECT a.REG_ID into V_MNG_ID from cont_call a, ( select max(to_char(answer_date, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')||answer) answer from cont_call where poll_id = 0 ) b where to_char(a.answer_date, 'yyyymmddhh24miss')||a.answer = b.answer; IF (V_MNG_ID = '000071' ) THEN V_MNG_ID := '000194'; ELSE V_MNG_ID := '000071'; END IF; BEGIN insert into cont_call (rent_mng_id, rent_l_cd, poll_id, answer, answer_date, reg_id) values (P_RENT_MNG_ID, P_RENT_L_CD, 0, nvl(ltrim(to_char(N_SEQ, '000')), '001') , sysdate, V_MNG_ID); -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( '1_' || V_MNG_ID); END; D_CLIENT_ID := P_CLIENT_ID; GOTO GET_NEXT_RTN; <<GET_DUP_RTN>> begin update cont set call_st = 'N' where rent_mng_id = P_RENT_MNG_ID and rent_l_cd = P_RENT_L_CD; end; <<GET_NEXT_RTN>> select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd') into N_SYSDATE FROM DUAL; END; END LOOP; CLOSE CUR_CAR; COMMIT; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'cont_rm call'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; -- R_CHK := '1'; dbms_output.put_line( SQLERRM ) ; V_SQLCODE := SQLCODE; V_SQLERRM := V_SQLERRM || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 250); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, '콜 계약 배정 에러!!' || P_RENT_L_CD ); BEGIN INSERT INTO STAT_BATCH_ERROR (save_dt, procedure_nm, SQLERRM, sqlcode) VALUES (SYSDATE, 'P_CALL_ASSIGN', V_SQLERRM, TO_NUMBER(V_SQLCODE)); END; END;
하나로 합쳐 볼려고 했는데 계속 에러가 발생을 해서
오류(363): PLS-00103: 심볼 "end-of-file"를 만났습니다 다음 중 하나가 기대될 때: (
begin case declare end exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update when while with <식별자> <큰 따옴표로 구분된 식별자> <바인드 변수> << continue close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe purge
세미콜론, 주석 등등 다 찾아서 없애보기도 했는데 계속 납니다. 그래서 비슷한 내용이라 따로 만들었는데 에러없이 프로시저 생성이 됩니다.
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