log buffer 사이즈 조회 방법 부탁드립니다. 0 1 2,448

by 치킨치킨 [Oracle 기초] [2016.06.10 10:34:25]

아래와 같은 방법으로 log_buffer 조회가 가능하다고 하는데 두개의 값이 다릅니다.


SQL> show parameter log_buffer

NAME                     TYPE            VALUE
------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------
log_buffer                 integer            6096384


SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area  599785472 bytes
Fixed Size            2098112 bytes
Variable Size          176163904 bytes
Database Buffers      415236096 bytes
Redo Buffers            6287360 bytes


이 둘의 차이가 무엇인지 알 수 있을까요??


by 타락천사 [2016.06.22 16:53:04]

다른게 정상이라고하네요..

참고 하세요

LOG_BUFFER Differs from the Value Set in the SPFILE or PFILE (문서 ID 373018.1)
The change in the log_buffer value is expected behaviour. 
The value of log_buffer from v$spparameter gives you the value which you have set in the spfile; 

The value from show sga, sho parameter, v$sgastat, v$parameter are different than which you have set because this is not a minimum limit for redo buffer size, Oracle combines fixed SGA area and redo buffer together, if there is a free space after Oracle put combined buffer to fit in granule, that space is added to redo buffer. Thus you see redo buffer has more space as expected. This is an expected behavior. 

For example if you see the output i have given in the research area, 

In show SGA for sga_max_size of 400M the split up is as 

show SGA 
Total System Global Area 419430400 bytes 
Fixed Size 2057256 bytes 
Variable Size 377490392 bytes 
Database Buffers 33554432 bytes 
Redo Buffers 6328320 bytes 

show parameter pool 

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 
buffer_pool_keep string 
buffer_pool_recycle string 
global_context_pool_size string 
java_pool_size big integer 112M 
large_pool_size big integer 16M 
olap_page_pool_size big integer 0 
shared_pool_reserved_size big integer 9646899 
shared_pool_size big integer 184M 
streams_pool_size big integer 48M 

db_cache_size is 32 M 

This contains 3 components as 
1. Fixed size + Redo Buffer 
2. Variable Size - (shared_pool_size + large_pool_size + streams_pool_size + 
3. Database buffers - (db_cache_size + db_nK_cache_size +..) 

In the above example, 
sga_max_size= (Fixed size + Redo Buffer ) + variable size + database buffers 
400M= (2057256+6328320 (8 M)) + 377490392 (360 M) + 33554432 (32 M) 
sga_max_size is 400M 
db_cache_size is 32 M 
Variable size as mentioned 360 M 
Fixed size varies from Platform to Platform and Database to Database depending on other parameter values like shared_pool, large_pool, etc., 
In this case 2M is Fixed size, so 360+32+2 is 394 M. 
left out is 6M and the log_buffer set is 3M.
Since sga_max_size is 400M which is > 128 M the granule size is 16M the value of redo buffer should be log_buffer + overhead (rounded off to 1 granule which is 16 M in this case) i.e. 3M+16M => 19M, but the sga_max_size is 400M it cannot exceed 400M, 
so it will take 394 M + 3 M + 3M which is = 400, since total sga size should be <= sga_max_size (400 M in this case). 

This is the reason you could see difference in values in dictionaries or views than which you have set in spfile or pfile. 
This is an expected behaviour.
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