untunable memory 란? 0 1 2,433

by 어머 pga memory [2016.04.17 11:58:31]

PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 에 대해서 공부하고 있었는데,

pga 메모리가 PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET 를 넘게되면 가장 untunable pga memory 를 종료시킨다고하는데

untunable pga memory 라는게 뭘 의미하는거죠?

by 타락천사 [2016.04.18 21:47:36]


GA has two components : Tunable and untunable

– Untunable PGA : consists of

Context information of each session

Each open cursor

PL/SQL, OLAP or Java memory

This component of PGA can’t be tuned i.e. whatever is memory is needed it will be consumed else the operation fails.

– Tunable PGA : consists of memory available to SQL work areas (used by various sort operations)

 approx. 90% of PGA in DSS systems

 approx. 10% of PGA in OLTP systems

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