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by 이권재 [2011.08.10 20:52:25]

오라클 11g 의 PRO*C COMPILE가 STACK SIZE 초기화 버그가 존재한다고 합니다.

해당 STACK SIZE를 명시적으로 확장할 경우 해당 문제 해결이 가능합니다만...

현재 패치를 시도하였으나 실패하였습니다.

위와 같은 문제 발생시.. ORACLE 11g UPDATE 확인 해 보시길 바랍니다. ㅎ.

하루 하루 행복하시길.....

Bug 10325142 - Client process stack size gets reset by OCIEnvCreate() call (Doc ID 10325142.8)

The behaviour change looks to be introduced by the fix for bug 5244057
in 11.1. With this fix the client side calls skgminit() when before
that fix we only called it if OCI_SHARED was specified.

So from 11g onwards any client calling OCIEnvCreate() gets its
RLIMIT_STACK set to 32Mb (unless the hard limit is below this).

It seems fair that the client side should either not mess with
RLIMIT_STACK, or if it does then it at least allows the client
to set some minimum limit of its own .

The workaround is to reset the RLIMIT_STACK within the client
program, but this is not always possible.

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