오랜만에 퀴즈요~^^* 0 12 5,155

by 박종정 [2008.08.04 17:40:35]

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아~ 넘 오랜만에 왔네요.ㅎㅎ

간단한 퀴즈 하나 내고 후딱 사라지겠습니다~

10*10의 칸에 랜덤으로 POINT가 생기고 그 POINT를

기점으로 N 만큼의 두께가 나오게 하는 겁니다~

흠냐...음.....  CONNECT BY 나   COPY_T는 한번만 사용하세요!

[그림] 첫번째와 두번째는 N=1, POINT는 각각 74, 7 이고

[그림] 세번째와 네번째는 N=2, POINT는 각각 24, 100 입니다.

by 노유성 [2008.08.05 22:01:18]
으흠...아직 초짜인 저는 패스...ㅠ

by 마농 [2008.08.08 13:07:31]
SELECT 'y' || y yx
, MIN(DECODE(x, 1,no)) x1
, MIN(DECODE(x, 2,no)) x2
, MIN(DECODE(x, 3,no)) x3
, MIN(DECODE(x, 4,no)) x4
, MIN(DECODE(x, 5,no)) x5
, MIN(DECODE(x, 6,no)) x6
, MIN(DECODE(x, 7,no)) x7
, MIN(DECODE(x, 8,no)) x8
, MIN(DECODE(x, 9,no)) x9
, MIN(DECODE(x,10,no)) x10
THEN rn ELSE null END no
, CEIL(rn/10) y
, DECODE(MOD(rn,10),0,10,MOD(rn,10)) x
, CEIL(p/10) - n y1
, CEIL(p/10) + n y2
, DECODE(MOD(p,10),0,10,MOD(p,10)) - n x1
, DECODE(MOD(p,10),0,10,MOD(p,10)) + n x2
, (SELECT 1 n, 74 p FROM dual)

by 뀨 [2008.08.13 11:24:42]
헉...... 문제 이해도 못하겠네요~~

by 김동욱 [2008.08.13 16:56:47]
오랜만에 들어와 보니..잼있는 것이..ㅋㅋ
구석진 곳이 아니라면 n*2+1의 검색 과 시작은 point -(n*11) <n은 9를 넘지 않는다 가정..칸이 없으니..> 아.. 회사라서.. 바빠서..나중에..ㅋㅋ

by 손님 [2008.08.13 18:41:35]
select 'Y' || (col+1) XY,
max(case when num =1 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x1,
max(case when num =2 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x2,
max(case when num =3 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x3,
max(case when num =4 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x4,
max(case when num =5 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x5,
max(case when num =6 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x6,
max(case when num =7 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x7,
max(case when num =8 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x8,
max(case when num =9 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x9,
max(case when num =10 and check_key > 0 then check_key end) x10
from (
select col,num, case when abs(col - floor(74/10)) <= 1 and abs(num - mod(74,10)) <= 1 then col*10 + num end check_key
select (level-1) col
from dual
connect by level <= 10
) a, copy_table b
where num <= 10
) group by col

by 손님 [2008.08.13 18:53:54]
and check_key > 0 없어도 됩니다

by 손님 [2008.08.19 12:51:12]
select 'Y' || col XY,
max(case when num =0 then check_key end) x1,
max(case when num =1 then check_key end) x2,
max(case when num =2 then check_key end) x3,
max(case when num =3 then check_key end) x4,
max(case when num =4 then check_key end) x5,
max(case when num =5 then check_key end) x6,
max(case when num =6 then check_key end) x7,
max(case when num =7 then check_key end) x8,
max(case when num =8 then check_key end) x9,
max(case when num =9 then check_key end) x10
from (
select floor(col/10)+1 col,mod(col,10) num, case when abs(floor(col/10) - floor((cen - 1) / 10)) <= ar
and abs(mod(col,10) - mod((cen - 1) ,10)) <= ar then col+1
end check_key , n
select (level-1) col
from dual
connect by level <= 100
) a, (
select 1 n, 74 cen, 1 ar from dual UNION
select 2 n, 7 cen, 1 ar from dual UNION
select 3 n, 24 cen, 2 ar from dual UNION
select 4 n, 100 cen, 2 ar from dual
) b
) group by n,col

by 미노 [2008.08.25 08:40:24]
헉 이게 뭐랍니까? 초보에 통곡..ㅡㅡㅋ

by 슈르루까 [2008.10.18 16:18:37]
select 'Y1' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y2' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y3' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y4' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y5' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y6' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y7' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '63' as x3, '64' as x4, '65' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y8' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '73' as x3, '74' as x4, '75' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y9' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '83' as x3, '84' as x4, '85' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual
union all
select 'Y10' as yx, '' as x1, '' as x2, '' as x3, '' as x4, '' as x5, '' as x6, '' as x7, '' as x8, '' as x9, '' as x10
from dual

-- ㅈㅅ 학교 다닐때 부터 수학은 이렇게 했어욤 ㅠ

by 미니 [2008.12.17 11:23:43]
이해도 못했어요..ㅡㅡ 이런...

by 손님 [2009.02.25 18:09:34]
슈르루까님 때문에 사무실서 대폭소.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

by 손님 [2013.01.10 17:02:11]
SELECT  'y' || A.height   AS  xy
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 1,  LABEL ) )  AS  x1  
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 2,  LABEL ) )  AS  x2
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 3,  LABEL ) )  AS  x3
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 4,  LABEL ) )  AS  x4
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 5,  LABEL ) )  AS  x5
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 6,  LABEL ) )  AS  x6
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 7,  LABEL ) )  AS  x7
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 8,  LABEL ) )  AS  x8
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 9,  LABEL ) )  AS  x9
       ,MIN( DECODE( A.width, 10, LABEL ) )  AS  x10
FROM    (
SELECT  CASE  WHEN      height BETWEEN ran_height - :num AND ran_height + :num  
                    AND width  BETWEEN ran_width  - :num AND ran_width  + :num
              THEN     LABEL
        END   LABEL, height, width
FROM    (
            SELECT  LABEL , height, width
                   ,SUM(DECODE( ran_val, 1, height, 0 )) OVER ( ORDER BY ran_val desc )  AS  ran_height
                   ,SUM(DECODE( ran_val, 1, width, 0 ))  OVER ( ORDER BY ran_val desc )  AS  ran_width
            FROM    (
                        SELECT  rn  AS LABEL
                               ,ran_val  AS  ran_val
                               ,ntile(10)  OVER ( ORDER BY x.rn )  AS  height
                               ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CEIL(RN/10) ORDER BY RN) WIDTH
                        FROM    (
                                    SELECT   CASE WHEN LEVEL <= 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ran_val
                                            ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE) RN
                                    FROM     dual
                                    connect BY LEVEL <= 100
        ) A
GROUP BY A.height
ORDER BY A.height
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